SB 308 is still alive and WE NEED YOUR HELP. Please open and read

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Yahoo Bot
Posts: 22904
Joined: Sun Oct 18, 2020 11:38 pm

Hello fellow CDCBAA member:
WE NEED YOUR HELP. As I explained to everyone at todays memberswe are one vote away from having SB 308 pass the California State
Legislature. Last year, after passing the State Senate, and all
committees of the State Assembly, many Assemblymembers abstained on the
final vote in the face of mounting pressure from the banking and credit
union lobbies. As a result, SB 308 did not pass - but it did not go away
either. It is still sitting there and will be brought up for a vote when
and if we believe we have the votes for it to pass.
The banking and credit union industries have several lobbyists who walk the
halls of the state capital daily spreading misinformation about SB308.
Unfortunately, it has become clear to us that we need a lobbyist present in
Sacramento to meet daily with Assemblymembers to get those abstentions to
cast a Yes vote for SB 308 the next time the vote is called. As you all
know, lobbyists are not free. Fortunately, we located a well know
Sacramento lobbyist who is willing to take on our cause. Furthermore, he
agreed to do it at a reduced rate because of the significant progress SB
308 has made to date.
Several California attorneys convinced NACBA to contribute 25% of the fees
for the lobbyist. Many of us have contributed to the fundraising efforts
to pay for this lobbyist to push SB 308 over the final hurdle. In fact,
several attorneys and law firms have contributed between $1,000 and $3,000
each to cover this cost, however, we are approximately $10,000 short of our
goal to pay the lobbyists fee for this legislative session. *This is
where you come in.*
If every CDCBAA member would simply contribute $100.00 we would reach our
goal quickly and free up our time to focus on our grass roots efforts to
get SB 308 passed. *It is VERY EASY to contribute*. Just click on this

The post was migrated from Yahoo.
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