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Deducting court ordered support when divorcing couple

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2013 2:37 pm
by Yahoo Bot

You are going to check the box for separate households, then deduct the
payments off of his and add it to hers.
On Tue, Jan 22, 2013 at 2:23 PM, Steven B. Lever wrote:
> **
> I have a client whose wife is considering joining him on a Chapter 7
> filing. They have filed for divorce, and hes paying her expenses as she
> doesnt work. They live separately.****
> ** **
> I need him to get those expenses to the wife into a formal order for
> support so its deductible on the means test and he can pass it.****
> ** **
> Now the wife may join in the bankruptcy as she has credit cards in her own
> name.****
> ** **
> At first, I thought she couldnt join the case because of the support
> payment issues, but now I cannot think of why I thought that. Now it seems
> like it would be a perfectly legal deduction even if they file together.**
> **
> ** **
> So my question is Is there any reason I cannot take the court ordered
> support deduction if she joins the case?****
> ** **
> Steve ****
> ** **
> Law Offices of Steven B. Lever****
> >** **
> > Steven B. Lever****
> >( Tel. (562) 436-5456 ext. 1****
> >( Fax (562) 485-6886****
> >*****
> >****
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You are going to check the box for separate households, then deduct the payments off of his and add it to hers.dOn Tue, Jan 22, 2013 at 2:23 PM, Steven B. Lever <> wrote:
I have a client whose wife is considering joining him on a Chapter 7 filing. They have filed for divorce, and hes paying her expenses as she doesnt work. They live separately.
Now the wife may join in the bankruptcy as she has credit cards in her own name.
So my question is Is there any reason Iu>
Law Offices of Steven B. Lever
>> Steven B. Lever
>( Tel. (562) 436-5456 ext. 1
>( Fax (562) 485-6886
The post was migrated from Yahoo.