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Los Angeles 341a update: Your 11 a.m case could be heard at 1:30 p.m or later!

Posted: Mon Sep 10, 2018 4:19 pm
by Yahoo Bot
Reply-To: "Sun N. Han, Esq."
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If the meal time is (1) given while working, meaning eat while you work; & (2) that minimum of 30 minutes or whatever time is PAID at a regular payrate, then no one is breaking the CA IWC law.
Unless the hourly rate for the security guard is very high, can we ask US Trustee to pay a little extra? How about offering ending the day a bit earlier, i.e. like 3:30 or 4pm in lieu of the lunch hour being paid out during 12:15 to 1pm?
Sun N. Han,
Attorney at Law
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Sent: Monday, September 10, 2018 2:23 PM
To: Cdcbaa Yahoo Listserv
Subject: [cdcbaa] Los Angeles 341a update: Your 11 a.m case could be heard at 1:30 p.m or later!
Dear Esteemed Colleagues,
There is now a mandatory lunch break for the security guard at the meeting of creditors venue in Downtown Los Angeles. If the 11 a.m calendar is not completed by 12:15 p.m, the cases that were not completed on the 11 a.m. calendar will be called on the 1:30 p.m calendar, so plan accordingly.
My understanding about the change in policy is to comply with California State Labor Law and to maintain the security of the premises.
If we can assist the United States Trustee in ameliorating their concerns about compliance, this might be able to reverse this policy. One place that maybe useful is this link
I thank you in advance for your input and support.
David Jacob
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The post was migrated from Yahoo.