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Amended complaint served, not filed - what to do?

Posted: Sat May 08, 2010 8:29 pm
by Yahoo Bot

Payments necessary until plan confo.
Dennis McGoldrick
350 S. Crenshaw Bl., #A207B
Torrance, CA 90503
On May 7, 2010, at 10:14 AM, "John" wrote:
Hi all,
I have a Stipulation re Avoidance of a Second Lien in a Chapter 13 case, but so far the lender does not want to in clude language in the stipulation that no preconfirmation mortgage payments would be required pending confirmation (EC case). A0Will Judge Carroll re quire payments pending the confirmation hearing given that the lender is wi lling to stip to avoidance of the lien? A0
Daniela P. RomeroLaw Office of Daniela Romero, APLC
1015 N. Lake Ave., Ste. 115
Pasa dena, CA 91104
Facsimile: A0626-628-1781
email: A0dro
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Payments necessary until plan confo.Dennis McGoldrick350 S. Crenshaw Bl., #A207BTorrance, CA 90503On May 7, 2010, at 10:14 AM, "John" <> wrote:

Hi all,I have a Stipulation re Avoidance of a
Second Lien in a Chapter 13 case, but so far the lender does not want to include language in the stipulation that no preconfirmation mortgage payments would be required pending confirmation (EC case). A0Will Judge Carroll re
quire payments pending the confirmation hearing given that the lender is willing to stip to avoidance of the lien? A0
Thanks,Daniela P. RomeroLaw Office of Daniela Romero, APLC1015 N. Lake Ave., Ste. 115Pasa
dena, CA 91104Telephone:626-817-2611Facsimile: A0626-628-1781
email: A0dro
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The post was migrated from Yahoo.

Amended complaint served, not filed - what to do?

Posted: Fri May 07, 2010 10:14 am
by Yahoo Bot

Hello listmates -
I am in an adversary proceeding where, at a hearing, opposing counsel said she wanted to amend her complaint. Judge Riblet gave her 10 days to do so. On the 10th day, she served us with the amended complaint, but still has not filed it two weeks later. I don't want to alert the opposition to this fact if I can avoid it. Am I safe ignoring the served amended complaint until opposing counsel realizes she needs to file it?
Does anyone have a better suggestion for handling this situation?
- John D. Faucher
Hurlbett & Faucher

The post was migrated from Yahoo.