Ch. 13 order on motion modifying plan payments
Post confirmation motion to modify plan payments lower coupled with motion to incur new debt is filed at the same time in the same case. Debtor's 8 year old paid off car blew up and debtor needs newer used car (financed of course for life of 5 yr. plan) for work and personal life. I did not see a sample order for either motion on the court's web site. Do I wait for input from the court and the trustee before lodging proposed orders? Or do I wait a certain number of days, indicate that no opposition has been filed and then lodge my proposed orders with LOU.
Lindsey B. Green, Esq.
Gumm & Green, LLP, Attorneys at Law
5743 Corsa Ave., Suite 111
Westlake Village, CA 91362
phone: 818 707 4233
fax: 818 707 4262
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