West Chapter 7 -13 Software glitch
Posted: Wed Jan 07, 2009 10:49 pm
Any of you using the West Chapter 7 - 13 software, the 12/18/09 update
has several problems related to cutting off the data on the right
margin when printing. Most are an easy fix. However, I discovered a
glitch in the program that keeps the spouses income from appearing on
the Chapter 13 Statement of Current Monthly Income form when previewed
or printed. After 6 long unproductive hours dealing with tech support
over the last two days, West finally figured out it was a programing
error in their sofware code rather than a problem with my computer.
They are supposedly working to correct their software code now and will
hopefully send out a patch. In the meantime I discovered how to get
around the issue at least for above median debtor joint filings. If
anyone needs the fix info, send me an email off line and I will fill
you in on how to minimize the issues until the patch comes out.
Mark Jessee
The post was migrated from Yahoo.