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Fw: Something for the new attorneys

Posted: Mon Jan 04, 2010 12:08 pm
by Yahoo Bot

I'm forwarding this from Cathy Moran which I just received. I haven't
carefully examined the content yet, but Cathy is an old friend and a
very competent attorney in the Bay Area, so I suspect this will be quite
helpful for those just starting out.
Mark J. Markus
Law Office of Mark J. Markus
11684 Ventura Blvd. PMB #403
Studio City, CA 91604-2652
(818)509-1173 (818)509-1460 (fax)
This Firm is a Qualified Federal Debt Relief Agency (see what this means at
NOTICE: This Electronic Message contains information from the law office of Mark J. Markus that may be privileged. The information is intended for the use of the addressee only. If you are not the addressee, note that any disclosure, copy, distribution or use of the contents of this message is prohibited.
IRS CIRCULAR 230 NOTICE: To ensure compliance with requirements imposed by the IRS, we inform you that any U.S. tax advice contained in this communication (or in any attachment) is not intended or written to be used, and cannot be used, for the purpose of (i) avoiding penalties under the Internal Revenue Code or (ii) promoting, marketing or recommending to another party any transaction or matter addressed in this communication.
Doesn't it make you wince when you see all of these new lawyers in court
fumbling on the most basic of Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 issues?
If you're like me, you learned how to practice bankruptcy law without
the benefit of formal bankruptcy training, by trial, and, hopefully not
too much, error.
It was tough to learn that way, but not impossible. These days, the law
is more complex than ever. Learning by doing is just too inefficient
and it's costly to the client public.
Over the past six months I've been serving as a mentor for new
bankruptcy lawyers in the Bay Area. As word has gotten around, more
and more new practitioners have begun to approach me for help in
learning how to practice bankruptcy law.
Since I practice law too, I can't take on all comers, one on one. So
I've done the next best thing - I've created an online resource for new
bankruptcy lawyers to learn the ropes.
I'm calling it *Bankruptcy Mastery*, and the goal is to develop it into
a full-fledged learning facility to help get lawyers to a level of real
competence in consumer bankruptcy law.
I'd appreciate it greatly if you'd share the new site with those around
you who might find it useful:
There is a free ecourse on the site right now, and more resources will
be added as the community develops.
I'm hoping you'll help me spread the word and help boost the skills of
the newcomers to our area of the law.
Cathy Moran

The post was migrated from Yahoo.