May I copy this to a consumer law list serve I am on to see what causes ofaction might be available?
Patrick T. Green, Esq.
Fitzgerald & Green
Attorneys at Law
1010 E. Union Street
Suite 206
Pasadena, CA 91106
Tel: 626-449-8433
Sent: Wed, May 11, 2011 10:22:42 AM
Subject: [cdcbaa] B of A "monitoring" non-debtor's accounts
Here's a new one:
I filed a Chapter 7 case for a debtor. She owns no real estate and
has no joint accounts with anyone.
I just got an angry call from the debtor that Bank of America (with
whom Debtor has NO accounts) has stopped accepting her parents'
mortgage payments and are "monitoring" their account because the
debtor filed bankruptcy (yes, they acknowledge that the account
holders did not file bankruptcy). I have no idea what's going on
or what to do about it because they aren't violating the stay and
haven't done anything untoward to my client.
Anyone heard of this happening or what I can advise debtor's parents
to do?
Mark J. Markus
Law Office of Mark J. Markus
11684 Ventura Blvd. PMB #403
Studio City, CA 91604-2652
(818)509-1173 (818)509-1460 (fax)
This Firm is a Qualified Federal Debt Relief Agency (see what this
means at
The post was migrated from Yahoo.