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Wife can be a judgment debtor?

Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2004 3:11 pm
by Yahoo Bot

Those gurus in community asset protections:
H breached a construction contract while married to W.
W had nothing to do with it execpt for that she was married to H.
H & W filed for Ch7, got it discharged in 12/2003. (no asset case)
H gets into a new contract with a new customer, defaults on it, and got sued.
W was a named defendant.
I understand that W's asset (a community asset) is liable for the H's wrong doing (Fam. Code 910(a)). Not necessarily be jointly and severally responsible as a party to a judgment. Am I right?
H and W has filed for a divorce in 07/2004. (no asset to be divide, mutual divorce)
Is there a way that W can avoid judgment in this pending civil lawsuit?
Sun N. Han,
Attorney at Law
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Those gurus in community asset

H breached a construction contract
while married to W.
W had nothing to do with it execpt for
that she was married to H.
H & W filed for Ch7, got itdischarged in 12/2003. (no asset case)
H gets into a new contract with a new
customer, defaults on it, and got sued.
W was a named defendant.

I understand that W's
asset (a community asset) is liable for the H's wrong doing
(Fam. Code 910(a)). Not necessarily be jointly and severally responsible
as a party to a judgment. Am I right?

H and W has filed for a divorce in
07/2004. (no asset to be divide, mutual divorce)
Is there a way that W can avoid judgment
in this pending civil lawsuit?

The post was migrated from Yahoo.