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Posted: Fri Apr 01, 2016 2:31 pm
by Yahoo Bot

Members and Colleagues:
SB308, the Homestead Exemption Bill introduced by Senator Wieckowski is
heating up. We have garnered a tremendous amount of support. Attached is
an impressive list of organizations pledging support for SB308. The
support continues to grow. Your NACBA members and State Chairs are meeting
with Assembly Members. In addition, we now have the strength of our own
lobbyist this time around. However, we have an urgent need to meet our
funding goal.
Please keep in mind that this bill affects every single bankruptcy attorney
in California. It affects how we can advocate for our clients, what advice
we can give to our client, and affects our bottom line if the client canfile for bankruptcy protection. It affects every single California
constituent by providing exemption protections to everyone. California has
the second highest median home price in the country. Yet, our homestead
exemption has failed to keep pace with protecting the median valued home.
SB308 must pass. Its important legislation. But, its a difficult task
to get legislation passed. Many members have devoted a lot of time and
have made multiple donations to help with this endeavor. But, we are short.
We are asking 50 members to donate $150. Thats it and we will have met
our goal. If you will please take a moment to make your contribution, it
would be greatly appreciated. If you cant do $150, please do what you
can. If you can do a little more, please do so. If youve already
donated, but can add a little more to reach our goal, we appreciate it!!!
Please dont assume others will donate and your donation wonI can assure you that is not the case. We have pledges that have not come
through. We need everyone at this point.
Donors who wish to write checks should make the check payable to NACBA, and
mail it to:
5174 McGinnis Ferry Road, Suite 205
Alpharetta, GA 30005
You should write "Save California Homes" on the check memo line.
Donors who wish to contribute by credit card can do so by clicking through
to the NACBA website portal:

The post was migrated from Yahoo.